If you have not finished your registration and paperwork, please do so ASAP! Registration payment, physical, and online forms are all available on the Unit Webpage.
Upperclassmen Uniform exchange has begun. Bring your uniform in that needs to be exchanged. Ensure the parts of the uniform that needs to be exchanged are dry-cleaned, original plastic, paid invoice, and cadet name is on the invoice. Notify your instructor that you are bringing it in.
Blues Open Collar Uniform with Light Weight jackets for all Upperclassmen cadets. Wear the uniform on your assigned class period in your respective cohort. If you do not have all articles of the Blues Uniform and are unable to wear the complete uniform, substitute it with the Alternate Uniform.
1st year cadets will wear Alternate Uniform if the cadet has it.
1900-1945 October 12, Monday Flight Academy Virtual Meeting
All Cadets are reminded to get your 20 emails for Snap!Raise ASAP! Bring in your emails to be submitted on Friday
Bring PT clothes on Tuesday and Friday for PT. Cadets will change out after uniform inspection for PT and will change back into their uniforms after PT.
SNAP!Raise Fundraiser Starts Friday! Create or sign into your Snap!Raise account and load your 20 emails. Also add your picture to your account. 80% of cadets must have 20 emails loaded to start fundraiser!
Monday 12 October A-DAY CARDINAL (A-K)
All Upperclassmen Wear Blues Open Collar Uniform with Lightweight Jackets/1st Year Alternate Uniform
All Flights Academics
1630-1745 30 Count Practice
1900-1945 Flight Academy Virtual Meeting
Tuesday 13 October B-DAY CARDINAL (A-K)
All Upperclassmen Wear Blues Open Collar with Lightweight Uniform/1st Year Alternate Uniform
Unit PT Day. Bring PT Clothes, Hygiene Kit & Water Bottle
0930-1200 ASVAB Testing, Media Center
1630-1745 30 Count Practice
Wednesday 14 October B-Day
All 10th Graders PSAT Testing
0930-1145 E Learning
1645-1745 StellarXplorer Practice (Virtual)
1300-1500 30 Count Practice
Thursday 15 October B-DAY Gold (L-Z)
All Upperclassmen Wear Blues Open Collar with Lightweight Jackets/1st Year Alternate Uniform
Academics, All Flights
Tango Flight, PT Day!
1630-2000 Kitty Hawk Concessions
1630-1745 30 Count Practice
Friday 16 October A-Day Gold (L-Z)
All Upperclassmen Wear Blues Open Collar w/ Light Weight Jackets/ 1st Year Alternate Uniform
Uniform/1st Year Alternate Uniform
Unit PT Day. Bring PT Clothes, Hygiene Kit, & Water Bottle
Tango Flight, Wear Blues Open Collar Uniform
SNAP!Raise Fundraiser Begins
Saturday 17 October
No Unit Events
Sunday 18 October
0800-1500 StellarXplorer Virtual Practice Competition (Virtual)