I hope that everyone was able to listen to Mr. Pye’s briefing last night concerning the opening of school.
Virtual Academy
JROTC will be offered in DD2 Virtual Academy. There is a virtual meeting tomorrow night at 6 PM for elementary and at 7 PM for middle/high schools. The link is https://www.ddtwo.org/VA.
19-20 Unit CIA Trip Refunds
MSgt Powell is continuing to work with the vendor to get the parent refunds back.
Community Service Opportunity
*This is a repeat of a previous sent announcement: If you are interested in your son or daughter getting community service hours, please report to the front office at Knightsville Elementary School (847 Orangeburg Rd,. Summerville, SC), Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 AM till 2 PM. And now Thursday has been added with the same work times. They are to report to the front office of the school and tell the office they are part of the “Technology Cart Team", and ask for Mr. Mark Blacklocke. He is a former assistant principal at ARHS. PPE equipment (gloves, mask, hand sanitizer, etc.) will be provided. He asks each volunteer to bring a mask, if possible. Lunch will be provided. Please send me an email if your son or daughter is interested in helping out and getting service hours at wclark@dorchester2.k12.sc.us.
If you have any concerns or questions, please email wclark@dorchester2.k12.sc.us.
Thank you all for your support.