To all AFJROTC parents and cadets, both Hybrid & Virtual,
Unit Events
· Color Guard presented colors at the Home Football game last Friday.
· Kitty Hawk Honor Society did parking detail for the Home Football game last Friday.
· Kitty Hawk and Booster Club parents supported concessions at Volleyball Home games on Tuesday-Thursday nights.
Upcoming Events
· AFJROTC 30 Count Virtual Challenge. AFJROTC units will be competing in a 30 count event that will be taped and sent to HQ AFJROTC to be judged.
· Unit cadets who are participating in the event will report to ARHS outside Major Clark’s classroom starting Monday at 4:45. Cadets are to bring their own water bottle and mask. Cadets will be practicing using the social distancing drill. The video will be sent in before the 22 October deadline for the virtual event.
· StellarXplorer Team will be participating in their first practice competition on Sunday, 18 October.
Cadet Registration & Payment
Registration is required for all virtual and hybrid cadets. This needs to be completed by 15 October
Parents, click on the Parent tab at the Unit Web Page. This will take you to the Parent Registration icon. Parents and their cadet both must fill it out.
Parent Consent and Health Wellness forms are to be filled out online.
Parents and cadets, by digital signature, verify all information is correct and information contained in documents are understood.
Sports Physical is required by DD2. Please have the form signed by a doctor. It can be scanned and sent to the cadet’s respective instructor by email. Copies may also be brought to the respective instructor on assigned days to attend school.
Click on the SHOP icon to pay the registration fee. All cadets have a $35 registration fee. Black Polo shirt is required for all cadets as part of the alternate uniform. While you are there, take a look at the other items in the Booster Club area to purchase, such as a morale shirt. PT clothing and sweats are issued to all 1st year cadets free.
ALL PARENTS AND CADETS MUST REGISTER ONLINE MUST BE COMPLETED BY 15 OCTOBER, 20. UNIT EMAILS ARE SENT OUT BASED ON PARENT EMAIL ADDRESSES. Black Polo Shirts cannot be issued until registration is filled out and registration is paid.
DD2 requires Sports Physicals for all cadets participating in events after school and weekends. They are slowly coming in. Please continue to send them in.
Uniforms & PT Clothes
Hybrid Classes- PT clothes, Black Polo shirts, and the blue uniforms are being issued to 1st year Cadets.
Upperclassmen uniform exchange – Cadets who need to have blue uniform items exchanged will insure the item(s) is dry-cleaned, wrapped in the original plastic, and paid receipt on uniform. Cadets will bring their uniform to be exchanged next week to class.
Uniform Inspection
· Upperclassmen cadets will wear the blue uniform with open collar & Light Weight Jacket.
· 1st year cadets will wear the alternate uniform. Black polo shirt tucked into khaki pants or shorts with a belt. Do not wear open to shoes. Males will have haircuts and shaved. Female’s hair in a bun or ponytail.
· All hybrid cadets attending class at ARHS next week will wear the blue uniform with open collar. All cadets are required to bring their Lightweight Jacket, also. This is an accountable check on the jackets.
Physical Training
· Cadets will bring PT clothes on Tuesday and Friday for PT. This is due to the school change in the schedule for PSAT and Elearning on Wednesday.
· Cadets will change out of blue uniform after inspection and then put on blue uniform after PT.
· Cadets are reminded to bring hygiene kits (wipes, deodorant, powder, water bottle).
Unit Team Practices and Competitions
· Cyber Patriot & StellarXplorers Teams will compete in the first semester. All practices and competitions will be conducted virtually. Refer to the attached weekly schedule for practices.
· Drill & Color Guard will practice as needed.
· All other teams will start practices 2nd semester. If conditions improve, some teams may start practice earlier.
Snap Raise Unit Fundraiser (Starts Next Friday)
· $8000 is the goal this year for the unit.
· Fundraiser starts on 10/16/20.
· A percentage of funds raised will be donated to a local community charity. Cadets will receive community service credit for money donated.
· Each cadet must get 20 emails and register on line ASAP. To get started, 80% of cadets in the unit must log in 20 emails as soon as possible So get those emails logged in!
· Cadets must set up their accounts or log in to them if already created to load the mails. See attachment.
· Top 3 fundraisers will receive $150, $100, $50 cash cards.
· Challenge to Wando AFJROTC on which unit raises the most money will receive a traveling trophy.
· Percentage of fundraiser will be given to a local charity. Cadets will be able to receive Community Service hours.
Community Service Events
· None
Instructors emails are,, and
Thank you for your support!
Bill Clark, Major, USAF, Ret.
Ashley Ridge High School
843-695-4900 Ext. 52195
ARHS JROTC website:
SC-20081 Facebook link:
SC-20081 Instagram link: