Mission Support Squadron Commander
C/Captain Sanchez-Vayas Jonathan
ARHS AFJROTC Unit Weekly Schedule 21 September- 25 September Change 1
If you have not finished your registration and paperwork, please do so ASAP! Registration payment, physical, and online forms are all available on the Unit Webpage.
Upperclassmen uniform exchange. This will not start for several weeks. Please make sure to dry clean items and be prepared to exchange.
Issue of First Year Uniforms. This will not start for several weeks.
1700-1730 21 September Monday, Team Leadership Meeting Virtual
1715-1745 22 September Tuesday, Cyber Team Meeting Virtual
1700-1730 23 September Wednesday, Stan/Eval Meeting Virtual
1645-1715 24 September Thursday, Steller Xplorers/Rocketry Meeting Virtual
1800-1900 29 September Tuesday, Virtual Family Night. All Cadets are required to watch. Parents are highly encouraged to watch the event. Booster Club, Instructors, Command Staff, and Teams will be discussed. This is a required meeting for all cadets. More information to follow
1645-1715 30 September Wednesday, Flight Crew Meeting Virtual
Upperclassmen will be wearing Alternate Uniforms this week. Wear the uniform on your assigned class period in your respective cohort.
Monday 21 September A-DAY CARDINAL (A-K)
First day back to school for students in the Cardinal Cohort
All Upperclassmen Wear Alternate Uniform
All Flights Academics
1700-1730 Virtual Team Leadership Meeting
Mission Support Squadron Commander
C/Captain Sanchez-Vayas Jonathan
Tuesday 22 September B-DAY CARDINAL (A-K)
All Upperclassmen Wear Alternate Uniform
All Flights Academics
1605-1630 Kitty Hawk Leadership Recording
1615-1730 Color Guard Veteran’s Practice
1605-1630 Cyber Team Leadership Recording
1715-1745 Cyber Team Meeting (Virtual)
Wednesday 23 September A-DAY GOLD (L-Z)
First day back to school for students in the Gold Cohort
All Upperclassmen Wear Alternate Uniform
All Flights Academics
1605-1630 Rocketry/Stellar Xplorer Leadership Recording
1615-1730 Color Guard Veteran’s Practice
1700-1730 Stan/Eval Meeting (Virtual)
Thursday 24 September B-DAY GOLD (L-Z)
All Upperclassmen Wear Alternate Uniforms
All Flights Academics
1605-1630 Drone & Air Rifle Leadership Recording
1615-1730 Color Guard Veteran’s Practice
1645-1715 Rocketry/Steller Xplorers Team Meeting (Virtual)
Friday 25 September
E Learning for all students
Home Football Game TBA