Over $2,600 in unit registration fees have not been paid.
Registration invoices have been sent out to those parents who have not paid their registration fees and other outstanding balances by the Booster Club Executive Committee. If one is received, please pay promptly per the directions on the invoice.
Booster Club Executive Committee 21-22 Positions
Thank you to Dave Barkasy for volunteering for the President position! He will be a great asset to the program. The following position is still open:
Please contact Booster Club President, Mrs. Kellogg at arhsafjrotc@gmail.com if interested in this position. The booster club plays a vital role in supporting unit cadet activities and programs. IF YOU HAVE THE TIME, PLEASE VOLUNTEER!
Cadet Leadership Course
All cadets who were selected were given CLC registration paperwork that must be filled out and returned by 17 May, Monday. If your son or daughter has not given it to you yet, please ask for it.
A Notary has volunteered to be available 17 May, Monday from 6-7 PM at ARHS. Please come to the main entrance at the cafeteria side to have CLC Form 1 notarized, if needed. Also, registration paperwork may be turned in at that time. Payments will also be accepted. Checks and exact change will be accepted. No credit cards.
All CLC schedules and information for cadets located in Teams CLC.
23 May, CLC emails will be sent out to all CLC parents and CLC cadets in place of Unit weekly email.
Next CLC training day is Saturday, 15 May. All CLC cadets will accomplish the following:
7 AM Senior Staffs report
7:15 AM Cadre & applicable command staff report
7:35 AM Basics report
4 PM Practice over
All cadets will report in their blue uniform bringing their PT clothes. After uniform inspection, cadets will change into PT clothes.
All cadets will bring camel paks. Additional water will be supplied as needed.
Clip board, blue folder, and pen or pencil.
Lunch will be supplied by Booster Club
4 PM, CLC training ends.
A big thank you to those parents who donated water and snacks for the last Saturday training day. If parents would like to donate water and fruit for the next training day, it would be appreciated.
Unit Weekly Schedule
Refer to the attached weekly schedule for other unit events.
PIR/Awards Ceremony in ARHS Main Gym , 13 May, Thursday. 6-7:15 PM
Uniform Inspection- Blue Uniform with open collar for A Day cadets. B Day cadets will be inspected at formation at PIR/Awards Ceremony.
4:05 Senior Staff & Command Staff set up Main Gym.
5:15 Flight Crews arrive and get guidons from classroom and set up outside in bus parking lot under direction of Squadron Commanders.
5:30 All cadets will be flight formation NLT 5:30 PM. Flights arrive and line up in parking lot (Attendance, Uniform Inspection, & temperature & COVID health check will be recorded)
If cadets are planning to remain after school, they must sign up on sign up roster located in each JROTC classroom NLT than Tuesday.
Cadets will report to JROTC at 4:05 and remain in assigned classrooms until reporting at 5:30 to their flights.
If attending the event, parents will go thru the main entrance and proceed to the Main Gym. Cadets will head directly to JROTC and the bus loop.
All cadets are required to attend. Test grade 200 points.
If a cadet cannot attend the event, a note must be turned in signed by the parent stating why the cadet cannot attend NLT Wednesday, 12 May.
Due to DD2 COVID Health rules, each cadet is allowed two guests and will be given 2 tickets and must be turned in at the event. Masks will be worn at the ceremony.
COVID health check and temperature will be accomplished on each cadet.
Upcoming Unit Events (Schedules subject to change)
6 PM, 13 May. Awards Ceremony in Main Auditorium. All cadets are required to attend. Parents are invited. 2 tickets per cadet.
14-28 May. Turn in of Senior cadet’s unit AFJROTC issued uniforms.
7 AM – 4 PM, 15 May. Unit Annual Bataan Death March at ARHS
4 June. Seniors last day
16 June. End of School
18 June. ARHS Graduation. Color Guard will present colors and CLC cadets will hand out programs.
20 June, Cadre cadets report to CLC at The Citadel
21 June, Basic cadets report to CLC at The Citadel