Greetings Parents,
We hope you stayed safe and warm and also were able to enjoy last week’s snow. The weather shifted Fierce Fox Meet to Sat, March 8th and also prevented our Cyber Team from competing in the Cyber Patriot National Semi-Finals. A request to compete later this week has been submitted, we feel optimistic it will be approved.
For February, focus shifts to the Military Ball on Feb 8th (Tickets will go on sale 30 January, $40 each), preparation for our annual HQ AFJROTC inspection (March 12th) and interviews for the AY2025-26 Command Staff.
Unit Weekly Schedule Monday January 27th - Sunday February 2nd
Reminder to turn in Registration Papers, Physicals, and Fees
CIA Payment due ASAP! (Anyone that brings in $550 from the Waiting List may get a seat) (Contact MSgt Powell if questions)
Morning Flag Detail: Juliet Flight
Afternoon Flag Detail: Alpha/Foxtrot
Logistics Sweep Detail: Mike Flight (Make Sure to Sign in on Sign-in Sheet)
Team Supply Detail: Air Rifle Team
Monday January 27th -A Day
Cyber Practice 1610-1730
Air Rifle Practice 1610-1800
Kitty Hawk Honor Society Meeting 1610-1730
Tuesday January 28th –B Day
Uniform for B-Day only flights- OCB w/Lightweight
Fitness Team Practice 0810- 0915
Cyber Team Meeting during ILT
Drill Practice 1610-1800
Wednesday January 29th -A Day
Uniform for Block and A-Day flights- OCB w/Lightweight
Drill Practice 1610-1800
Thursday January 30th –B Day
PT for B-Day Flights, bring uniforms, hygiene kit, and water bottle (PFT)
Fitness Team Practice 0810- 0915
Air Rifle Practice 1610-1800
Drill Practice 1610-1800
Drone Practice 1610-1730
Rocketry Practice 1610-1730
Friday January 31st-A Day
PT for Block and A-Day Flights, bring uniforms, hygiene kit, and water bottle (PFT)
Saturday February 1st
No Unit Events Planned
Sunday February 2nd
No Unit Events Planned