Greetings Parents and Guardians,
Congratulations to our Cyber Team – they participated as two independent teams in Round 1 of the Cyber Patriot national cyber defense competition. Both teams achieved 199 out of a possible 200 points and are currently ranked 3d and 4th in the All Service category – terrific start for the competition. Round 2 will be in November. Best of luck!
Thank you to everyone who participated and supported our Varsity home football game against Summerville. Everything was busier than usual and our cadets did a terrific job – on the field for an outstanding military veterans and family member tribute, the all services Color Guard plus cadets in the supporting detail, our concession teams who serviced significantly larger than normal crowds. And our cadets stationed across the parking lots where we used every patch of pavement and flat green space to park cars.
This past Thursday marks the end of 1st Quarter! If any questions or concerns, please reach out to any instructor. We hope you have a terrific week.
Unit weekly schedule Monday October 23rd - Sunday October 29th
Morning flag detail: Charlie Flight
Afternoon flag detail: Alpha/Foxtrot Flights
Logistics sweep detail: Delta Flight
Monday October 23rd – B Day
Air Rifle Practice 16:10 – 18:00
Cyber Practice 16:10 – 17:45
Drone Practice 16:10 – 17:30
Drill Practice 16:10 – 18:00
Team Pictures coordinate with your team staff
Tuesday October 24th – A Day
Uniform for A-Day only Flights: OCBs
Leadership seminar for selected cadets and ARHS students meet at CSU 08:00 – 15:00
Air Rifle Team Picture & Team Meeting 16:10-17:00
Drill Practice 16:10 – 18:00
Raiders Practice 16:10 – 17:30
Team Pictures coordinate with your team staff
Wednesday October 25th – B Day
Uniform for all Block and B-Day Flights: OCBs
Drill Practice 16:10 – 18:00
Raiders Practice 16:10 – 17:30
Flight Academy meeting 16:10 – 17:00
Thursday October 26th – A Day
PT for A-Day only Flights, bring uniform, hygiene kit, and water bottle
East Edisto Middle School recruiting trip 11:30 – 13:45
Drill Practice 16:10 – 18:00
Raiders Practice 16:10 – 17:30
Air Rifle Practice 16:10 – 18:00
Academic team 16:10 – 17:30
JV Concessions Showtime 19:00
Friday October 27th – B Day
PT for Block and B-Day Flights, bring uniform, hygiene kit, and water bottle
Oakbrook Middle School recruiting trip 11:30 – 13:45
Drill Practice 16:10 – 18:00
Trunk or Treat Showtime 16:10
Parking detail Showtime 16:30, Color guard Showtime 16:30, Concessions 18:30, For Football game
Saturday October 28th
Drill competition at The Citadel Showtime 05:30
Sunday October 29th
No Unit Events Planned