Greeting parents and guardians,
We’re off to a great start and thank you all for helping to make this happen. You’ll notice several teams are hosting their initial interest meetings for new members to join. Other teams will come online in the weeks ahead.
Commander’s Call and first uniform day, Wednesday Aug 28th – All cadets will wear the Alternate Duty Uniform (Black polo w/khakis) for the school day and report to the auditorium during 4th period. Permission slips have been sent home with students for attendance during 4th period to attend Commander’s Call, where cadets will be introduced to the wing commander, command staff, all the team commanders and will be briefed on upcoming team competitions, field trips, and scholarship opportunities for this year. Parents and teachers are required to sign off on the permission slip in order for each cadet to attend.
Additionally, Seniors and Juniors are invited to attend a field trip to the Trident Technical College Aeronautical Training Center on Thursday Sep 5th to learn more about educational and employment opportunities in aviation along with 2 and 4 year degree options. Cadets taking AS200 curriculum are also invited to fill any remaining seats, however priority is to Seniors and Juniors. If any parents are interested in chaperoning, please contact me directly. The trip will depart school at 0930 and we should return by 1pm.
Reminder Registration papers are due this week – In particular the DD2 Sports Physical: this is required by the district for cadets to participate in our weekly physical fitness training. Failure to complete and turn in the physical signed by a medical provider will affect their grade as cadets without a physical cannot participate and meet the training requirements.
Unit Weekly Schedule Monday August 26th – Sunday September 2nd
Turn in Registration Papers, physicals, and Fees
Morning Flag Detail: Juliet Flight
Afternoon Flag Detail: Alpha/Foxtrot
Logistics Sweep Detail: Mike Flight
Monday August 26th – A day
Flight Academics
Cyber Interest Meeting 1610- 1730
Tuesday August 27th – B Day
No Uniform
Flight Academics
Drill Practice 1610-1800
Raider Interest Meeting 1610-1730
Wednesday August 28th - A Day
Alternate Uniform For All Cadets
Flight Academics /Uniform Inspection
Commanders Call Beginning of 4th period (Report Straight to the Auitorium)
Drill Practice 1610-1800
Raider Practice 1610- 1730
Thursday August 29th – B Day
PT for Flights, bring uniforms, hygiene kit, and water bottle
Drill Meeting 1610-1800
Raider Practice 1610- 1730
Rocketry Interest Meeting 1610- 1730
Friday August 30th – A Day
PT for Flights, bring uniforms, hygiene kit, and water bottle
Saturday August 31st
No Unit Events Planned
Sunday September 1st
No Unit Events Planned
Monday September 2nd - Labor Day/ No School