Greetings Parents and Guardians,
Congratulations to our Academics, Aeronautics and Marksmanship teams for their Overall 3d place finish at this weekend’s Wando Warrior Challenge! Shout outs to Drone Team for their 1st place in the Obstacle Course and 3d place in the Slalom event, to Cadet Durant for his 1st place Rocketry Spot Landing (closest to the target), and to Cadet Haefner for winning Top Shot Novice Prone and Top Shot Novice Overall. Well done all – is was a team accomplishment to win 3d overall!
We are rapidly approaching our Military Ball on Saturday, March 9th. The ball is 1900-2200 (7pm – 10pm) at the Clubhouse at King’s Grant (222 Farmington Dr, Summerville, SC). The theme is Masquerade ball and all cadets have been briefed on uniform, masquerade mask, and details about the ball. Tickets are on sale now ($30 per attendee) and are running out (limited quantity), so cadets need to bring cash or check (made out to ARHS AFJROTC Boosters) to MSgt Powell to secure tickets as soon as possible in order to attend.
CLC for ARHS will be during week 1 only this year – our dates are 9-15 June for Cadre and 10-15 for Basics. CLC conditioning will start in March and is open to all interested cadets. Selection for CLC attendance will be finalized at the end of March – all basics who qualify should be able to attend. I will send out an email to parents with more details (i.e. cost forecasts, basic cadet performance standards, etc) this week.
Unit Key Events Calendar:
Unit Weekly Schedule Monday February 26th – Sunday March 3rd
Reminder to Turn in Registration Papers, physicals, and Fees
Continue Contributions to Combat Jars (for military ball expenses)
Military Ball Tickets on Sale for $30
Morning Flag Detail: Mike
Afternoon Flag Detail: Alpha/Foxtrot
Logistics Sweep Detail: Hotel
Monday February 26th – B Day
Flight academics
Air Rifle Practice 16:10 – 18:00
Staff Interviews
Tuesday February 27th – A Day
Uniform for A-Day Flights: ABU/ Lightweight
Drill Practice 16:10 – 17:30
Staff Interviews
Wednesday February 28th – B Day
Uniform for Block and B-Day Flights: ABU/ Lightweight
Early Release
Thursday February 29th – A Day
Pt for A-Day only Flights, Bring Uniform, Hygiene Kits, and Water Bottles
Air Rifle Practice 16:10 – 18:00
Drill Practice 16:10 – 17:30
Academics Team Meeting 16:10 – 17:30
Staff Interviews 1600 - 1700
Friday March 1st – B Day
Pt for Block and B-Day Flights, Bring Uniform, Hygiene Kits, and Water Bottles
Coast Guard Cutter Calhoun Field Trip (for 4th, 3d, and 2d Year Cadets; 0930-1530)
Saturday March 2nd
No Unit Events Planned
Sunday March 3rd
No Unit Events Planned