Good evening all,
Two big events coming up this week –
First – CLC tryouts are being held at 4pm Tues, Wed, and Thurs. Cadets interested in attending CLC in June, whether as a Basic (1st time at CLC) or as a Cadre (2d time at CLC), need to attend tryouts. Cadets only need to attend two of the three tryout days in order to accomplish all three evaluated events. Tuesday will be a Fitness Assessment and Academics test. Wednesday is Drill Proficiency. Thursday, Fitness and Academics are being offered at the same time as Drill, so cadets who missed a day can make up whatever they missed. CLC is a tremendous development opportunity and is one week long. CLC is offered twice – 4-10 June and again 11-17 June. ARHS has an equal number of slots for both weeks in order to accommodate as many cadets as possible.
Secondly, we have our third Curriculum In Action (CIA) trip of the year scheduled for Friday, during school. Coast Guard station Charleston is hosting an event for juniors/seniors from across the Low Country JROTC units – 250-300 total are expected to attend. We will tour a Coast Guard Cutter, observe an aerial demonstration, and tour the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. Sign ups are closed in order to meet base pre-screening requirements. Cadets who are signed up need to show early on Friday (time to be announced) as we need to arrive at the base by 0830 and Charleston traffic will be congested at that time. Attendance has been approved by DD2 as an excused trip during school. Cadets not attending will get an opportunity again next year to make the trip.
We are 1 month away from our finale Curriculum In Action trip to the National Museum of the Air Force at Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio. Please finish up permission slip turn in and any outstanding payments owed. We are scheduled for an incentive flight aboard an Air Force C-130J Hercules and a day at King’s Island amusement park in addition to the museum tour. 48 cadets are signed up and this will be a great experience.
Unit Weekly Schedule March 27– April 02,2023
Bring in cases of water for service hours – 1 case = 1 hour
Reminder to turn in registration papers, Physicals and Fees
CIA Trip payment due ASAP, Get field trip medical form turned in ASAP!! See MSgt Powell for room assignments
Morning Flag Detail: Juliet Flight
Afternoon Flag Duty: Alpha/Foxtrot
Logistics Sweep Detail: Bravo Flight
Recycling Detail: Alpha Flight
Monday March 27– A Day
Flight Academics
CLC Tryouts 1610-1800
TuesdayMarch 28 -B Day
Flight Inspection for B-day only flights: Open Collar Blues W/ Lightweight Jacket
CLC Interest Meeting in Colonel’s Room during ILT
CLC Tryouts 1610-1730
WednesdayMarch 29 – A Day
Flight Inspection: Open Collar Blues W/ Lightweight Jacket
CLC Tryouts 1610-1730
Cyber Citadel Practice 1430-2100 (Bring $8 for pizza)
Thursday March 30 – B Day
PT for B-Day only Flights, bring PT Uniform, Hygiene Kit, and Water Bottle
CLC Tryouts 1610-1730
Drone Academy 1610-1730
FridayMarch 31 - A Day
PT for Flights, bring PT Uniform, Hygiene Kit, and Water Bottle
CG Demo Day 0645-1500
Saturday April 01
Junior/Senior Prom
SundayApril 02
No Unit Events Planned