Greetings parents,
Thank you to all who supported the very early showtime for yesterday’s support to the Kiawah Marathon. The cadets worked very hard supporting 5,000 runners and did a great job!
Also, thank you to Mr Marcrum for his support taking individual portraits of cadets in Service Dress uniform following our unit picture this past week. We will pass on details once he finishes processing the photos.
Solicitations went out to cadets interested in applying for academic year 2024-2025 Senior Staff, Command Staff and Extended Staff positions. The closeout for applications will be 1/3/2024. Please encourage current Juniors and sophomores to consider applying for these leadership opportunities for the next school year.
Our ARHS Booster Club Treasurer wanted me to include a note to parents who paid their 2d CIA trip payment by check in November that she will be depositing those to the booster account tomorrow. Typically she’s processes the checks on a weekly basis, but since this has been over two weeks – she wanted to get the word out.
Please let me know if you are interested and available to help the booster club with our Fierce Fox Meet multi-event competition on Saturday, 27 Jan 2024. We need approximately 6-8 parents to help. The boosters are sponsoring the Judges hospitality room (2 parents – 6am to noon) and Concession sales (beverages and small snacks, 4-6 parents – 8am to 2pm, can be broken into two shifts).
I’ve received a few questions regarding when SnapRaise merchandise will be delivered. SnapRaise’s vendor is taking about 8 weeks following the closeout of each campaign to deliver, which unfortunately puts delivery to the school on or about Christmas eve – during which the school is closed. Therefore, items will be made available for distribution to cadets when they return to school on 1/3/2024.
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) in conjunction with JROTC will be closing out their school wide Toys For Tot’s campaign this week. Cadets who donate will receive community service credit for their donation. Thank you to those cadets who have supported the Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys For Tots campaign.
We all hope you and your families have a wonderful break and happy New Year. We hope you have time to recharge and we look forward to kicking off the New Year with final preparations for Fierce Fox Meet followed by several great opportunities and events.
Unit weekly schedule Monday December 11th - Sunday December 17th
Second payment for CIA trip Due December 15th
Morning flag detail: Command Staff
Afternoon flag detail:Alpha/Foxtrot
Logistics sweep detail: Command Staff (Make sure to sign in on sign-in sheet)
Monday December 11th – BDay
No extra-curricular events planned
Tuesday December 12th –A Day
No Uniform
Drill Practice 16:10 – 18:00
Raiders Practice 16:10 – 17:30
Booster Meeting 18:00 – 19:00 (booster members welcome to attend)
Wednesday December 13th –B Day
No Uniform
In Flight Holiday Parties
Raiders Practice 16:10 – 17:30
Drill Practice 16:10 – 18:00
FFM back brief for OPRsShowtime 16:10 – 17:45
Thursday December 14th – A Day
In Flight Holiday Parties
Friday December 15th – B Day
Half Day
Saturday December 16th
No Unit Events Planned
Sunday December 17th
No Unit events planned
WINTER BREAK December 18th – Jan 2nd