If you have not finished your Registration Paperwork, please do so ASAP. Registration payment, physical, and online forms are available on the Unit Webpage: ARHS-AFJROTC.com/Parent-Information.
Friday, 18 March, Teacher Workday, No School
Unit Book Drive will begin 21 March and end 8 April. Donate new or gently used books of any genre for community service hours. Drop off in Major Clark’s room.
Morning Flag Detail: Golf
Afternoon Flag Duty: Hotel/India
Logistics Sweep Detail: Command Staff
Monday 14 March – B Day
Uniform Inspection, Open Collar Blues, ABUs for Applicable Cadets 1605-1730 Academic Team Practice
1605-1800 D&C Practice
Tuesday 15 March – A Day
Uniform Inspection, Open Collar Blues, ABUs for Applicable Cadets 0800-0900 22-23 Senior Staff meeting with Major Clark
0800-0845 CLC PT
1605-1730 Drone Team Practice
1605-1800 D&C Practice
1605-1730 CLC PT
Wednesday 16 March – B Day
Unit PT Day, PT Uniform/Hygiene Kit/Water
Cyber Team At Cyber Patriot Nationals in Bethesda Maryland
1605-1800 Cyber Team Practice
1605-1800 D&C Practice
1605-1730 CLC PT
Thursday 17 March – A Day
Unit PT Day, PT Uniform/Hygiene Kit/Water
1605-1730 CLC PT
1605-1730 Rocketry Team Practice
1605-1800 D&C Practice
Friday 18 March
No School Teacher Workday
Saturday 19 March
CSU Drill Meet
Sunday 20 March
1330-1530 LIFT Camp, Summerville Airport