If you have not finished your Registration Paperwork, please do so ASAP. Registration payment, physical, and online forms are available on the Unit Webpage: ARHS-AFJROTC.com/Parent-Information.
Ribbon Day and Rank Day for those cadets who are eligible for promotion or ribbons.
All CLC workouts in the morning are terminated.
CLC Tryouts will be held on 5-7 April from 1605-1730. If a cadet cannot attend a practice, put an excuse in the CLC Box located in Major Clark’s Room.
Command Staff Interviews start Monday
Morning Flag Detail: Mike
Afternoon Flag Duty: Hotel/India
Logistics Sweep Detail: Mike
Monday 4 April – B Day
All Flights Academics
0800-0830 22-23 Command Staff Meeting
1605-1730 Cyber Team Practice
Tuesday 5 April – A Day
Uniform Inspection, Blues Open Collar
Ribbon Day and Rank Day
Team Leadership Meeting during ILT
1605-1730 CLC Tryouts
Wednesday 6 April – B Day
Uniform Inspection, Open Collar Blues
Picture Makeups
Ribbon Day and Rank Day
Flight Crew Inspection in Mini-Gym
1605-1730 Cyber Team PCDC Practice
Thursday 7 April – A Day
Unit PT Day, PT Uniform/Hygiene Kit/Water
ILT Kitty Hawk meeting in Major Clark’s room. All Kitty Hawk members. 1605-1730 CLC Tryouts
1605- 1730 Cyber Team PCDC Practice
Friday 8 April – B Day
Unit PT Day, PT Uniform/Hygiene Kit/Water
Saturday 9 April
0645-1800 Cyber Team at PCDC at Exchange Park
Sunday 10 April
No Unit Events Planned