Pearl Harbor Flag Folding Ceremony
Color Guard and other cadets held a Flag folding ceremony on Tuesday, 7 for Pearl Harbor Memorial Day.
Teachers and administrators came out to watch the event.
A big thank you to all the cadets who participated!
Drill, Raider, Drone, & Rocketry Team at FDHS AFJROTC Drill, Raider & Aeronautical Competition on Saturday
Congratulations to all the teams for truly having an outstanding day!
3rd Place Drill & Raider Competition Overall
1st Place Raider 5K Run
2nd Place Drill Competition Overall
1st Place Individual Exhibition Armed
2nd Place Squad Armed
2nd Place Platoon Basic Armed
2nd Place Color Guard
3rd Place Platoon Basic Unarmed
3rd Pace Duet Exhibition Unarmed
1st Place Overall Aeronautical
2nd Place Drone Individual
2nd Place Drone Team
2nd Place Rocket Individual
3rd Place Rocket Team
Kiawah Marathon
Cadets supported the Kiawah Marathon on Saturday by setting up the award area, Gatorade, and water areas. During the race, cadets handed out medals and water to the finishers.
It was a long day, but all the cadets enjoyed helping the runners.
Cyber Team & Rocketry Team at The Citadel, 12 December, Sunday
Cyber Team & Rocketry Team are using The Citadel Cyber Institute facilities for their competitions.
Cyber Team is participating in the Cyber Patriot Competition Semi-Finals.
Rocketry Team is participating in the StellarXplorer Round 2 Competition.
Results will be known later in the week.
Blue uniform with open collar, ABU for applicable cadets.
Cadets may wear the Spirit Wear of the Week in place of the uniform but will receive a grade on their spirit wear.
The attachment has the Spirit Wear of the week.
Cadets will be given service points depending on the types of toys turned in.
Charleston Marine Reserve Unit holds this annual event for deserving children at Christmas time.
Cadets have always participated in this fundraiser and have enjoyed turning in toys for others to enjoy. Small to large toys are accepted, even bicycles!
Toys for Tots boxes are located in Major Clark’s and MSgt Blake's classrooms for toys to be turned in.
Kitty Hawk Athletic Concessions
Kitty Hawk cadets are providing support for athletic concessions and are getting community service hours.
Parents are needed to provide volunteer support for concessions. Cadets do all the work, but parent chaperones are needed.
The link below is for Genius App to sign up.
Desperately need parents for Monday, 13 December and 17 December Friday for Concessions. If not filled, Major Clark will have to step in to cover the concessions.
For both days, parents do not have to be there till 6 PM for the shift.
Reserve Cadet Program
Reserve cadet contracts were given out last week and are due to their respective instructors NLT Wednesday, 15 December.
Fierce Fox Meet 22
15 January, Saturday. The unit will host up to 20 JROTC units competing in Academics, Drill, Raider, Air Rifle, Drone, and Rocketry events. Up to 400 cadets, instructors and parents will be at the meet.
All unit team competition cadets are required to help support the meet. Other unit cadets will be offered to sign up and help support the event. Community Service hours will be given.
Parents will be asked to volunteer to support the event. Further information will be provided at a later date.
Have a great week!