Unit Registration Invoices
Over $2600 in unit registration fees have not been paid.
Registration invoices will be sent out to those parents who have not paid their registration fees and other outstanding balances. Invoices will be sent out by the booster club executive committee.
If one is received, please pay promptly per the directions on the invoice.
Booster Club Executive Committee 21-22 Positions
The following Booster Club positions are coming open:
Please contact Booster Club President, Mrs. Kellogg at arhsafjrotc@gmail.com if interested in a position. The Booster Club plays a vital role in supporting unit cadet activities and programs, and we really need your help.
Cadet Leadership Course Tryouts
Tuesday-Thursday, 13-16 April, 1615-1800. Virtual cadets will report as soon as they can. Wear PT clothes and bring water bottle. Monday-Thursday 19-22 April 1615-1800.
Selections will be announced on 23 April.
Unit Weekly Schedule
Refer to the attached weekly schedule for other unit events.
If there are any questions or concerns, please contact send an email to wclark@dorchester2.k12.sc.us.
All the instructors hope everyone had a peaceful and restful Spring Break!