To All Parents and Cadets, ELEARNING
All cadets will be in the E-learning phase along with all DD2 students for the week of 25 January.
Parent Consent Forms consist of AFJROTC Health Wellness Form, Cadet Release Form, & Cadet Access Module Release Module & Data Entry Form.
These were requested at the start of the academic year. Instructors are currently with working cadets for the missing forms.
53 cadets are missing one of more forms listed above.
27 cadets have not turned in their AFJROTC Health Wellness Form. This allows cadets to participate in class Physical Training.
Parent Consent form are located in the following locations to be downloaded.
* This email.
* Use the following link to fill out the forms which are located on the unit web page.
* Forms are also located in Teams in SC-20081 Information Center for cadets to download to print out.
Finished forms may be scanned and sent to the cadet’s respective instructor.
Photos may also be taken and sent by email to the cadet’s respective instructor.
Hard copies may be mailed to the following address:
Major Clark SC-20081/AFJROTC Ashley Ridge High School 9800 Delemar Highway Summerville, SC 29485
HQ AFJROTC Unit Mission Briefing, 2 February, Tuesday
Command Staff will be briefing virtually to HQ AFJROTC on 2 February, Tuesday on the results of the unit self-inspection being now conducted by the cadet Stan/Eval Officer and other members of command staff.
HQ AFJROTC considers our unit one of the best of AFJROTC units and overseas.
Missing Parent Consent Forms will have a serious effect on the HQ AFJROTC Mission Briefing! Please help the unit in insuring all missing forms are turned in by 22 February, Friday. UNIFORM INSPECTION
Blue uniform with open collar for uniform inspection will be worn on Monday and Tuesday.
ABU for those for Mike and Command Staff flight and flight crews.
Physical Training
Unit Physical Training Uniform will be worn for Physical Training workouts on Wednesday and Thursday.
Refer to the attached unit weekly schedule for other unit events.
All competition team practices are suspended until hybrid schedule starts with the following teams that will meet virtually:
Cyber Team
StellarXplorer Team
Academic Team
Congratulations to the Cyber Team who placed in the Air Force Association Cyber Team, Platinum Division! This allows the team to compete for a place in the National Cyber Patriot Competition held this spring. Place and date TBA.
Unit Email and weekly schedule will be sent out Sunday of each week.
Other platforms to be posted on:
Posted on Facebook Unit Page.
Posted in Unit Teams under SC-20081 Information Center.
Posted in SC-20081 Unit Web Page
The instructors would like to thank all parents for their support and help!
Bill Clark, Major, USAF, Ret.
Ashley Ridge High School
843-695-4900 Ext. 52195