If you have not finished your registration and paperwork, please do so ASAP! Registration payment, physical, and online forms are all available on the Unit Webpage: ARHS-AFJROTC.com/Parent-Information.
Juliet Flight will wear Blues Open Collar/ABUs on Wednesday and do PT on Thursday
Reserve Flight will meet every Wednesday at 1230-1245, virtually. They will comply with uniform requirements each week and will do the PT each week.
CLC Tryouts Tuesday-Thursday 13-14 April and 19-22 April. Bring water and appropriate athletic clothing. BE ON TIME!
Morning Flag Detail: Lima Flight
Afternoon Flag Detail: Kilo and India on A-Days & Hotel and Papa on B-Days
Monday 12 April B-DAY
All Flights Academics
1605-1730 Air Rifle Team Leadership Meeting for Scoring
1615-1830 D & C Practice
Tuesday 13 April A-DAY
All Flights Open Collar Blues /ABUS
All Flights Academics
1615-1730 Raider Team Practice
1615-1830 D & C Practice
1615-1800 CLC Tryouts
Wednesday 14 April B-DAY
All Flights Open Collar Blues /ABUS
All Flights Academics
1230-1245 Cadet Reserve Flight Meeting (Virtual)
1615-1730 Raider Team Practice
1615-1830 D & C Practice
1615-1800 CLC Tryouts
Thursday 15 April A-DAY
Unit PT Day. Bring PT Clothes, Hygiene Kit and Water Bottle
1615-1730 Raider Team Practice
1615-1830 D & C Practice
1615-1800 CLC Tryouts
Friday 16 April B-DAY
Unit PT Day. Bring PT Clothes, Hygiene Kit and Water Bottle
1615-1830 D & C Practice
Saturday 17 April
0830-1130 Fort Dorchester Meet (Drill and Raiders)
Sunday 18 April
No Unit Events Planned