If you have not finished your registration and paperwork, please do so ASAP! Registration payment, physical, and online forms are all available on the Unit Webpage: ARHS-AFJROTC/Parent-Information.com.
If you need any article of the uniform exchanged or need an uniform article, please put a note in C/Captain Williams’ box, which is located in the back of Major Clark’s room.
Snap!Raise Fundraiser: Snap!Raise Fundraiser has started. Ends on 18 December, Friday. Get those emails out!
All Cadets will wear the Open Collar Blues Uniform this week. If you do not have all articles of the Blues Uniform and are unable to wear the complete uniform, substitute it with the Alternate Uniform. ABUS for FC, CS and Mike Flight.
Due to COVID-19, Kitty Hawk Concessions are not taking place until further notice.
Bring warm PT Clothes Tuesday and Wednesday for PT. Cadets will change out after uniform inspection for PT and will change back into their uniforms after PT.
1700-1730 Monday, December 14 Kitty Hawk Virtual Meeting for Veterans.
1100-1330 19 December, Saturday, Wreaths Across America. 1st thru 4th years may participate. Cadets will meet at Carolina Memorial Park Funeral Cemetery in Service to participate in the Veteran Recognition Ceremony in service dress. Cadets will supply their own transportation. Sign-up form will be in Teams Information center. 1st 35 cadets signed up will participate. Closeout is Wednesday at 1600 to sign up.
Air Rifle Try Outs in Teams SC-20081 Information Center last week to sign up. Tryouts will be conducted after Winter Break. More information to follow.
Monday 14 December A-DAY Cardinal (A-K)
All Flights Open Collar Blues/ Alternate Uniform/ ABUS
All Flights Academics
Ribbon Day
1700-1800 Academic Team Practice
1615-1800 D&C Practice
1700-1730 Kitty Hawk Virtual Meeting for Veterans
Tuesday 15 December B-DAY Cardinal (A-K)
All Flights Open Collar Blues/ Alternate Uniform/ ABUS
Unit PT Day. Bring PT Clothes, Hygiene Kit and Water Bottle
Ribbon Day
1645-1730 Cyber Team Practice
1615-1800 D&C Practice
1615-1730 Raiders Practice
Wednesday 16 December A-DAY Gold (L-Z)
All Flights Open Collar Blues/ Alternate Uniform/ ABUS
Unit PT Day. Bring PT Clothes, Hygiene Kit and Water Bottle
Ribbon Day
1645-1800 Stellar Xplorer Practice
1615-1800 D&C Practice
1615-1730 Raiders Practice
Thursday 17 December B-DAY Gold (L-Z)
All Flights Open Collar Blues/ Alternate Uniform/ ABUS
All Flights Academics
Ribbon Day
1615-1800 D&C Practice
1700-1745 Stan/Eval Meeting Virtual
1615-1730 Raiders Practice
Friday 18 December B-DAY
0930-1145 E Learning
0900-1200 @ARHS K-Town Drill Virtual Competition
Saturday 19 December
1100 Service Dress - Wreaths Across America Event. TBA
Sunday 20 December
No Unit Events Planned
21 December- 4 January, Monday. Holiday Break
- Mission Support Squadron Commander
C/Captain Sanchez-Vayas Jonathan