If you have not finished your registration and paperwork, please do so ASAP. Registration payment, physical, and online forms are available on the Unit Webpage: ARHS-AFJROTC.com/Parent-Information.
All FFM Positions have been posted on the boards in each classroom and on Teams. Please pay close attention to the schedule to see what day you need to report to Major Clark’s room during ILT for training. Attendance is MANDATORY.
10 January, No School, Teacher Workday
1730-1930, 13 January. Kitty Hawk Induction Ceremony in the ARHS Auditorium.
1730, Veterans and Inductees will report to AFJROTC in service dress with tie/tie tab. 1800, event starts. All cadets who are on teams and also in Kitty Hawk are to leave practice at 1715. Parents are invited to the ceremony.
15 January Fierce Fox Meet Competition at ARHS.
Morning Flag Duty: Foxtrot
Afternoon Flag Duty: Hotel/India
Logistics Sweep Detail:
Monday 10 January
No School, Teacher Workday
1500-1800 Senior Staff Meeting
Tuesday 11 January – A Day
Open Collar Blues/ABUs for applicable cadets.
ILT FFM Checkers and Scorers Meeting in Major Clark’s Room
1605-1730 D&C Practice
1605-1730 Air Rifle Team Practice
1605-1730 Raider Team Practice
1605-1800 Drone Team Practice
Wednesday 12 January – B Day
Open Collar Blues/ABUs for applicable cadets.
ILT FFM Event Leaders and Ambassadors Meeting in Major Clark’s Room
1605-1730 D&C Practice
1605-1730 Cyber Team Practice
1605-1730 Raider Team
1730-1930 Kitty Hawk Induction Ceremony
Thursday 13 January – A Day
PT, PT Uniform/Water Bottle/Hygiene Kit
ILT FFM Runners, Parking, and Hall Monitors Meeting in Major Clark’s Room
1605-1730 Rocketry Team Practice
1605-1800 Drone Team Practice
1605-1800 D&C Practice
1605-1800 Air Rifle Team Practice
Friday 14 January – B Day
PT, PT Uniform/Water Bottle/Hygiene Kit
1605-1800 Air Rifle Setup in Main Gym
Saturday 15 January
0500-1600 Fierce Fox Meet
0500 Command Staff
0530 Team Staff
0530 FFM All other cadets
Sunday 16 January
0800-1400, Rocketry Team competing in StellarXplorer Competition, Round 3.