Cyber Team
•Cyber consists of using a variety of different operating systems to defend and secure our systems from malware, viruses, or any other kind of attacks.
•We use the following operating systems: Windows Server 10, Windows Server 19, Ubuntu Linux, and Cisco.

PCDC: Jacob Kramer, Eunice Lim, Jean Lim, Roman Mullens, Mariah Stypula

Cyber Practice Round: Jacqueline Quang, Breanna Wilson

Hazelwood, Wood

•We run with the help of coaches from The Citadel – Stevens, Hazelwood, Wood – as well as a former SASI, Major Clark, and our current SASI Colonel Wilkinson.​
•Cyber offers many great opportunities and career paths

Major Clark

Colonel Wilkinson
Major Clark, Trey Stevens, Jacob Kramer, Roman Mullens, Mariah Stypula, Eunice Lim, Breanna Wilson
- Cyber Patriot
- PCDC (Palmetto Cyber
Defense Competition)
- Charleston Engineers
Joint Council (CEJC)
Annual Dinner at The
- 3rd Place State Award (2013-2014)
- 2nd Place State Winner (2014-2015)
- Presidents Day Weekend Open Forensics Challenge (2015)
- 1stPlace State Award (2016-2017)
- 2nd Place State Award (2017-2018)
- 2nd Place Gold Tier Award (2018-2019)
- 1stPlace State Award (2021-2022)
- National Finalist (2021-2022)
- 1stPlace State Award (2022-2023)
Cyber Team Cadet Members
Commander: Mariah Stypula
Vice Commander: Eunice Lim
Mikayla Benesh
Gabriel Draper
Henry Durant
Paige Edwards
Courtney Lamberson
Oksayanna Minott
Roman Mullens
Jacqueline Quang
Dominic Ratchford
Miguel Stephenson
Angel Tra
Angie Tra
Breanna Wilson

Benesh, Draper, Durant, Edwards, Lamberson, Lim Quang, Ratchford, Stypula, Angel Tra, Angie Tra, Wilson

Mullens, Henry, Benesh Jade and Mikayla, Lim Eunice and Jean, Debney, Yeomans, Cook

Dalton Hazelwood, Benesh, Draper, Durant, Edwards, Lamberson, Lim, Minott, Mullens, Quang, Ratchford, Stypula, Tra Angel and Angie, Wilson
Our Clients