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Snap!Raise Letter

John Dugan

Updated: Nov 7, 2021

Hi Ashley Ridge AFJROTC Cadets and Parents!

21 September to 3 October: LOAD 20 EMAILS

3 October for 1 month: FUNDRAISER STARTS!

We’re kicking off our fundraiser with Snap! Raise, the nation’s leading fundraising platform for groups, clubs and teams. For the past six years, Snap! Raise has helped more than 35,000 groups in the U.S. raise more than $400M in funding! I’m excited to get started and have one vital request.

I ask that you help identify at least 20 people your child will reach out to via Snap! Raise, and gather their email address prior to launching our campaign on 10/4! The list of 20 people should include many of your child’s biggest fans and needs to be completed in full to ensure our campaign is set up for success. It is my hope and expectation that each team member will have a major impact on our program.

Here are next steps:

  • Help your child select at least 20 potential supporters

  • Keep the list of emails someplace electronic and handy – it will make entering them in before our campaign launches much easier.

  • Avoid using emails of teachers, peers of your child, or strangers.

*Important* Your child will receive an invitation from Snap!Raise or a link to sign up for the campaign and enter in the 20+ email addresses a few days prior to launching the campaign. Please be sure your child completes their profile and adds a photo of themselves. There should be only 1 account per child.

Here are 20 examples of people you should consider adding:

1. Parent(s)/Guardian # 1 2. Parent(s)/Guardian #2 3. Grandma 4. Grandpa 5. Cousin(s) 6. Uncle(s) 7. Aunt(s) 8. Family doctor 9. Orthodontist/dentist 10. Church/Social leader 11. Scout/troop leader 12. Family friend #1 13. Family friend #2 14. Former coach 15. School alumni 16. Local business that know you or frequent 17. Neighbor(s) 18. Parent co-workers(s) 19. Friend of parent 20. Adult sibling(s)

If you have any questions, please reach out to your instructor.

John Dugan

Snap!Raise Coordinator


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