I hope everyone has had time this summer to be with their families. As the 2021-22 school year draws closer, there are some loose ends to tie up from the 2020-21 school year, and cover events for 2021-22 school year.
2020-21 School Year
For non-returning cadets who did not pay their registration fees or turn in their uniforms, obligations were turned into the school.
Email addresses will be dropped for graduating seniors and non-returning cadets over the next several weeks.
2021-22 School Year/Unit - Events subject to change
0800-1200, 26-29 July: Command Staff preparation and training
0800-1200, 2-4 August: 1st Year JROTC Orientation Course
0700-1200 & 1300-1900, 3 & 4 August: School Registration at ARHS
1300-1600, 4 August: Wing Staff Training
0800-1200, 1300-1600, 5 August: Wing Staff Training
1800, 12 August, Wing Staff Graduation
September: Commanders Call, Family Night, and Snap!Raise Fundraiser have not been scheduled yet.
Command Staff Prep & Training
All Command Staff cadets will prepare the unit for school, and set up training agendas for 1st Year Orientation Course and Wing Staff Training
1st Year Orientation Course
1st year cadets attending the course will be issued uniforms and orientation training.
Wing Staff Training
All flight crews and other selected wing staff cadets to include competition team leadership will report to the ARHS auditorium for training.
Cadets will be contacted by senior staff on dates and times.
Wing Staff Graduation
Wing Staff Graduates will be recognized that night by receiving their rank, aiguillette, and a certificate.
Cadet Leadership Course (CLC) Graduates
CLC graduates will be recognized at the unit Commander’s call. Date to be decided.
This is a quick preview of upcoming events. More information will be sent out next week.
If there is any questions or concerns, please send an email to wclark@dorchester2.k12.sc.us.