Air Rifle participated in the Daniel Boone MJROTC Air Rifle Postal on Saturday
Cadets supported the 81 Aerial Support Squadron, 315 Reserve Wing, JBC holiday children’s party.
Tuesday, 7 December. Recruiting team at Greg Middle School.
0930, Wednesday, 8 December. Unit Panoramic picture in Main Gym.
11 December, Saturday. Raider, Drill, Drone, Rocketry teams at FDHS Raider, Drill, & Aeronautical Meet.
11 December, Saturday, Cadets will be volunteering at the Kiawah Marathon handing out medals, blankets, and water at the finish.
12 December, Sunday. Cyber Team competing in Cyber Patriot State Semi-Finals and Rocketry Team competing in StellarXplorer Round 2 at The Citadel.
See the attached unit weekly schedule for additional events.
0930, Wednesday, 8 December in Main Gym for panoramic picture.
All cadets upon arriving at school will report to main gym before 9:30 AM for in blues open collar.
2 parents are needed as volunteers for the event.
Parents would have to be at school at 5 AM on Saturday and return with cadets at 1:30 PM.
Cadets have a meeting on Monday during ILT and will be asking their parents for volunteers.
Please email if a parent is interested in volunteering.
The unit’s Toys For Tots Fundraiser will be starting on Monday, 29 November and ending on 15 December, Tuesday.
Cadets will be given service points depending on the types of toys turned in.
Charleston Marine Reserve Unit holds this annual event for deserving children at Christmas time.
Cadets have always participated in this fundraiser and have enjoyed turning in toys for others to enjoy. Small to large toys are accepted, even bicycles!
Toys for Tots boxes are located in Major Clark’s and MSgt Blake's classrooms for toys to be turned in.
Kitty Hawk Athletic Concessions
Kitty Hawk cadets are providing support for athletic concessions and are getting community service hours.
Parents are needed to provide volunteer support for concessions. Cadets do all the work, but parent chaperones are needed.
Currently, the Genius App is experiencing difficulties.
Temporarily, A signup parent attachment has been attached to this email that parents can volunteer on.
Dates and times are listed for sign-up.
Two shifts for parents to sign up for.
Blue means shift needs to be covered.
Black means there is not a shift.
Pick the shift and send an email to with the date and time of the shift wanted.
Parents will receive an acknowledgment email.
Reserve Cadet Program
Cadets who are on the block schedule and were active cadets 1st semester, but will not be active second semester (Not enrolled in an AFJROTC class) will be given the opportunity to become a reserve cadet.
This does not apply to A/B cadets, command staff cadets or cadets enrolled in AFJROTC, second semester.
The following cadets are required to be a unit reserve cadet.
Member of a unit competition team.
Member of Kitty Hawk Honor Society.
Member of Stan/Eval Team.
Member of a flight crew team.
Cadet desires to compete for cadet slot at summer Cadet Leadership Course @ The Citadel.
Cadet desires to participate in unit activities; community service, etc.
Cadet does not have to be a reserve cadet to attend the unit Military Ball.
Reserve Cadet Requirements
Cadet must wear the AFJROTC uniform once a week for uniform inspection. All Air Force Grooming Standards are applicable.
Cadet may not miss more than 4 uniform inspections with a valid excuse.
Cadet must maintain 80 percent on each uniform inspection.
Cadets will be required to attend Reserve Flight meetings each Wednesday during ILT.
Reserve Cadet Contracts will be issued to qualified cadets during the next few weeks. Both cadet and parent signature is required.
Fierce Fox Meet 22
15 January, Saturday. The unit will host up to 20 JROTC units competing in Academics, Drill, Raider, Air Rifle, Drone, and Rocketry events. Up to 400 cadets, instructors and parents will be at the meet.
All unit team competition cadets are required to help support the meet. Other unit cadets will be offered to sign up and help support the event. Community Service hours will be given.
Signup rosters will be put up in all classrooms this week.
Parents will be asked to volunteer to support the event. Further information will be provided at a later date.
Have a great week!