If you have not finished your registration and paperwork, please do so
ASAP! Registration payment, physical, and online forms are all available on the
Unit Webpage: ARHS-AFJROTC/Parent-Information.com. Obligations have been written and added to your school account!
Morning Flag Detail: Lima Flight
Afternoon Flag Detail: Kilo and India on A-Days & Hotel and Papa on B-Days .
1605-1700, Wednesday, Drone & Flight Academy. Interested in Drone Licenses,
Private Pilot scholarships, flying the unit flight Microsoft simulator, orientation
flights. Meet in Major Clark’s room. This includes 1st years, also.
Wednesday 16 June, Last Day of School, Half Day, 1300 Dismissal
Friday 18 June, Senior Graduation @ North Charleston Coliseum @0930
Monday 14 June B-DAY
All Flights Academics/Finish up Spirit Tiles
CLC Training 1605-1730
Tuesday 15 June A-DAY
All Flights Academics/Finish up Spirit Tiles
Flight Academy/Drone Team Meeting 1600-1700
Wednesday 16 June B-DAY
All Flights Academics
Last Day of School
Thursday 17 June
No Unit Events Planned/Staff Day for Teachers
Friday 18 June
Senior Graduation @ North Charleston Coliseum @0930
0700 CLC Cadets Report in Alternate Uniform to ARHS to be transported by Bus.
Saturday 19 June
0800 CLC Cadets report to AR to go to the Citadel to help move equipment.
Sunday 20 June
0730 CLC Cadets Cadre report to the Citadel.