A-Day cadets will be inspected in class on Wednesday.
B-Day cadets will be inspected at formation at PIR/Awards Ceremony.
4:15 PM Senior Staff & Command Staff set up and practice.
5:15 Flight Crews arrive and get guidons from classroom and set up outside in bus parking lot under direction of Squadron Commanders.
5:30 Flights arrive and line up in parking lot (Attendance, Uniform Inspection, & temperature & COVID health check will be recorded) Masks will be worn.
6:00-1915 PIR Awards in ARHS Football Stadium Uniform: Open Collar Blues. All cadets are required to attend.
Cadets who have signed up to stay after school on Wednesday must report to JROTC immediately after school for check-in and remain down in JROTC. Cadets must provide their own snacks. Water will be supplied.
B-Day cadets who remain after school on Wednesday are encouraged to wear their uniform during the day, so they do not have to change into it prior to PIR.
Cadets were given 3 tickets to allow family members to attend the event. There will be cadets at the ARHS stadium gate collecting the tickets and giving out event programs.
All family members are reminded to wear a mask. This is a DD2 COVID Health Requirement!
For the safety of cadets and parents: After the event is over, all family members will leave the stadium. Once parents have left, cadets will be dismissed by squadrons. Cadets will head out of the stadium to meet their parents.
CLC Information
An unit email has been sent to all CLC parents and cadets .
AFJROTC Bataan Death March
Saturday, 22 May, 7 AM-4 PM
Field Permission forms will be given out to cadets who signed up Monday and Tuesday. Forms will be due back on Wednesday and Thursday.
Booster Club
The Booster Club is still looking for a Secretary for the 2021-2022 school year. If you can spare 1 evening a month taking minutes of the Executive Board Meetings, please contact Laura Kellogg at arhsafjrotc@gmail.com.