To all AFJROTC Parents and Cadets, Flight Academy News Congratulations to the following cadets who have received their FAA 109 Drone License Certifications:
Zachary Pereira
Christian Malinak
London Barnal
Unit Events Last Week
A big THANK YOU to the mass color guard presenting the colors and all the service flags to recognize Veteran’s Day.
Another big THANK YOU for the cadets who accomplished Parking detail at the home football game.
Toys of Tots
Thank you to all the cadets that have brought in toys - MORE ARE NEEDED!
Cadets will be participating the unit annual Toys for Tots campaign starting 9 November, Monday thru 9 December, Wednesday.
Cadets will receive service hours for donating toys.
Please see the attachment for more information.
Snap Raise Unit Fundraiser
Fundraiser is for Booster Club Academic 4th Year Scholarships and donation to local charity.
This is to help those cadets who are struggling to load them or create their accounts. A percentage of funds raised will be donated to a local community charity. Cadets will receive community service credit for money donated.
Each cadet must get 20 emails and register on line ASAP. To get started, 80% of cadets in the unit must log in 20 emails. This must be achieved for the fundraiser to start So get those emails logged in!
Wando and ARHS are competing for the 1st Place Traveling Snap!Raise Trophy.Top cadet winners will receive Visa cash cards of 1st Place $150, 2nd place $100, and 3rd Place $50.
Participation Data:
CONGRATULATIONS to the 31 cadets have loaded 20 emails or more.
84 cadets have created Snap!Raise accounts or signed in but have not loaded their 20 emails.
Cadets need to keep creating the accounts or sign in.
Cadets need to gather the 20 emails and put into their accounts
Cadets may opt in and have Snap!Raise clothing to be purchased by their participant donations or opt out.
Cadet Registration & Payments
Registration is required for all virtual and hybrid cadets. This needs to be completed ASAP!
Parents, click on the Parent Information tab at the Unit Web Page. This will take you to the Parent Registration icon. Parents and their cadet both must fill it out.
Parent Consent and Health Wellness forms are to be filled out online.
Parents and cadets, by digital signature, verify all information is correct and information contained in documents are understood.
Sports Physical is required by DD2. Please have the form signed by a doctor. It can be scanned and sent to the cadet’s respective instructor by email. Copies may also be brought to the respective instructor on assigned days to attend school.
Click on the SHOP icon to pay the registration fee. All cadets have a $35 registration fee. Black Polo shirt is required for all cadets as part of the alternate uniform. While you are there, take a look at the other items in the Booster Club area to purchase, such as a morale shirt. PT clothing and sweats are issued to all 1st year cadets free.
ALL PARENTS AND CADETS MUST REGISTER ONLINE MUST BE COMPLETED ASAP. UNIT EMAILS ARE SENT OUT BASED ON PARENT EMAIL ADDRESSES. Black Polo Shirts cannot be issued until registration is filled out and registration is paid.
Uniform Inspection
Upperclassmen cadets will wear blue uniform with open collar. Cadets who have not been issued blue uniforms yet will wear the alternate uniform.
1st Year cadets will wear blue uniform with open collar
Command Staff, Mike Flight, and Flight Crews will wear ABUs.
Cadets will wear uniforms when attending ARHS physically, not Elearning.
Physical Training
Cadets will participate in Physical Training Monday and Thursday this week.
Cadets will bring PT clothes to class when attending ARHS this week.
Cadets will change out of the blue uniform after inspection for PT and put back on applicable AFJROTC uniform after PT.
Cadets are reminded to bring hygiene kits (wipes, deodorant, powder, etc.) and water bottles filled with water.
Upcoming Events StellarXplorer practice round, Sunday, 22 November, Virtual Instructors emails are,, and The instructors thank you for your support. Bill Clark, Major, USAF, Ret. Commander SC-20081/AFJROTC Ashley Ridge High School 843-695-4900 Ext. 52195