Good afternoon parents and guardians,
We have 18 schools signed up for Fierce Fox Meet 2025 on Saturday, Jan 25th, 2025 and need parent support to help with Booster lunches for the 600+ who will be in attendance. We are looking for 5 parents per shift to collect pre-paid tickets or money for cash purchases and to hand out pizza lunches for everyone who either pre-ordered or buys on site. There are two shift opportunities, Shift 1 is 1000am-noon and Shift 2 is noon to 2:30pm. Parents and family members 18 years old or older are welcome to sign up for either or both shifts.
Please sign-up online to help via Sign-Up Genius at
Our cadets have been working very hard preparing for this huge event. The mission briefing went well last week and this week, many of the teams needed to run the event are hosting their rehearsals. We need all the cadets signed up to support this event to attend in order to ensure success for all 600+ in attendance. Thank you for your support.
Because of the size of Fierce Fox Meet and the outstanding reputation of Ashley Ridge HS AFJROTC as hosts, the Director of USAF JROTC will be in attendance to see our cadets in action. This is a significant honor and opportunity!
Unit Weekly Schedule Monday January 13th - Monday January 20th
Reminder to turn in Registration Papers, Physicals, and Fees
Fifth CIA Payment due January 17th -$150 or Balance Due
Morning Flag Detail: Command Staff
Afternoon Flag Detail: Alpha/Foxtrot
Logistics Sweep Detail: Juliet Flight
Team Supply Detail: Rocketry Team
Monday January 13th-B Day
Flight Academics
Cyber Practice 1610-1730
Air Rifle Practice 1610-1800
FFM Runners/ Parking Detail Meeting 1610-1730
Tuesday January 14th -A Day
Uniform for A-Day only flights-OCPs for applicable/OCBs w/Lightweight
Fitness Team Practice 0810- 0915
Drill Practice 1610-1800
FFM Ambassador Meeting 1610-1730
Booster Meeting 1800
Wednesday January 15th -B Day
Uniform for Block and B-Day flights-OCPs for those applicable/ OCBs w/Lightweight
FFM Food Brief ILT
Drill Practice 1610-1800
Drone Practice 1610-1730
Thursday January 16th –A Day
School Beautification/PT for A-Day Flights, bring uniforms, hygiene kit, and water bottle
Fitness Team Practice 0810- 0915
FFM Scoring Meeting 1610-1730
Air Rifle FFM Rehearsal 1610-1800
Drill Practice 1610-1800
Drone FFM Rehearsal 1610-1730
Rocketry FFM Rehearsal 1610-1730
Friday January 17th-B Day
School Beautification/PT for Flights, bring uniforms, hygiene kit, and water bottle
Saturday January 18th
No Unit Events Planned
Sunday January 19th
No Unit Events Planned
Monday January 20
No School- MLK Day
Inauguration Day