Greetings Parents,
This is the final week leading into Fierce Fox Meet (Saturday, Jan 25, 2025). We have 19 schools, totaling over 400 cadets, 100+ judges & instructors, plus our 100+ crew of ARHS cadets and booster parents, along with the Director of Air Force JROTC, our Regional Director and Regional Supervisor all scheduled to attend! Our cadets have been planning, rehearsing, briefing, and preparing equipment to host a tremendous event!
Although weather early to mid-week looks questionable, the weather for Saturday currently looks sunny, dry and cool for Fierce Fox Meet. Fierce Fox Meet is planned to commence on Saturday, 25 Jan – I will send out updates later this week if anything changes.
Thank you to all the parents who filled up the booster volunteer slots. We need all of our cadets and our booster volunteers to ensure the success of this event. Several schools are traveling in the night prior and staying in local hotels because of the significance and caliber of this opportunity – our cadets will knock it out of the park, we’re ready!
Cyber Patriot NATIONAL Semi-Finals: This Friday, Jan 24th, our JROTC Cyber Team will be competing for one of the few AFJROTC cyber team slots to the national finals of Cyber Patriot. Our team won at the state level for the 4th year in a row and are currently ranked 9th nationally. The Semi-Finals adds an additional layer of testing and this event will be the toughest yet. Please root them on as they head to the Citadel on Friday to compete in the Citadel’s computer lab. Good luck to our Cyber Swamp Foxes!!
Unit Weekly Schedule Monday January 20th - Sunday January 26th
Reminder to turn in Registration Papers, Physicals, and Fees
CIA Payment due ASAP!
Morning Flag Detail: Echo Flight
Afternoon Flag Detail: Alpha/Foxtrot
Logistics Sweep Detail: Bravo Flight
Team Supply Detail: Drone Team
Monday January 20th
No School- MLK Day
Inauguration Day
Tuesday January 21st-A Day
Uniform for A-day only flights: OCBs w/Tie /Tietab and w/Lightweight
Fitness Team Practice 0810- 0915
Drill Practice 1610-1800
Cyber Practice 1610-1730
Wednesday January 22nd-B Day
Uniform for Block and B-Day flights: OCBs w/Tie /Tietab and w/Lightweight
Tabletop FFM Exercise: 1610-1800 (FFM sectional team leaders (OPRs) only)
Drill Practice 1610-1800
Drone Practice 1610-1730
Thursday January 23rd–A Day
PFT for A-Day Flights, bring uniforms, hygiene kit, and water bottle
Fitness Team Practice 0810- 0915
Air Rifle Practice 1610-1800
Drill Practice 1610-1800
Drone Practice 1610-1730
Rocketry Practice 1610-1730
Academic Practice 1610-1730
Friday January 24th-B Day
PFT for Block and B-day Flights, bring uniforms, hygiene kit, and water bottle
CyberPatriot Semi-Finals 0920-1800
Saturday January 25th
Fierce Fox Meet (FFM)
Showtime for OPRs 0530
Showtime for everyone else 0600
Sunday January 26th
No Unit Events Planned