Unit Registration Invoices
Over $2,600 in unit registration fees have not been paid.
Registration invoices will be sent out to those parents who have not paid their registration fees and other outstanding balances this week. Invoices will be sent out by the booster club executive committee.
If one is received, please pay promptly per the directions on the invoice.
School obligations will be turned in for those with non-payment.
Booster Club Executive Committee 21-22 Positions
Congratulations to Mrs. Barkasy who has volunteered to be the 21-22 Treasurer.
Following Positions are still open:
Contact Booster Club President, Mrs. Kellogg, at arhsafjrotc@gmail.com if interested in a position.
The Booster Club plays a vital role in supporting unit cadet activities and programs. We CAN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOUR HELP! Remember, everyone who has been on the Board works, has full, complicated lives, and is over-volunteered. You can do it too!
Cadet Leadership Course at The Citadel (CLC)
A big thank you to all the cadets who participated in the CLC Tryouts for the last two weeks.
CLC Candidates will be announced on Tuesday, 27 April 21.
1615-1715 CLC Candidate Meeting in ARHS Media Center on Wednesday, 28 April 21.
All CLC Candidates are required to attend.
Parent Virtual Meeting to be announced.
Unit Weekly Schedule
Refer to the attached weekly schedule for other unit events.
Upcoming Unit Events (Schedules subject to change)
26-30 April. 21-22 Rising 4th year Command Staff Interviews.
6-7 May. Cadet Physical Training Testing during class.
6 PM, 13 May Thursday. Awards Ceremony in Main Auditorium. All cadets are required to attend. Parents are invited. More information to follow.
14-28 May. Turn in of Senior unit AFJROTC issued uniforms.
15 May. Unit Annual Bataan Death March at ARHS
4 June. Seniors last day
16 June. End of School
18 June. ARHS Graduation. Color Guard will present colors and CLC cadets will hand out programs.
20-26 June, Cadre cadets report to CLC at The Citadel
21-26 June, Basic cadets report to CLC at The Citadel
If there are any questions or concerns, please send an email to wclark@dorchester2.k12.sc.us.
The instructors thank you for your support!