If you have not finished your registration and paperwork, please do so
ASAP! Registration payment, physical, and online forms are all available on the
Unit Webpage: ARHS-AFJROTC.com. Invoices have been sent out and school
obligations will be written if fees are not paid by 4 June.
Juliet Flight will wear Alternate on Wednesday & PT on Thursday.
24 May-2 June Wednesday. Last day for Senior Uniform Turn in. Make sure that
all uniform articles including all ranks and chords are returned. Blue Uniforms
will be dry cleaned with original dry cleaning receipt attached. ABU issued, all
items have to be turned in. ABUs will be washed and ironed. Failure to return all
items will result in a school obligation that will prevent a cadet from participating
in graduation.
7- 16 June, Uniform Turn-in for cadets not returning to AFJROTC next academic
year. Make sure that all uniform articles including all ranks and chords are
returned. Blue Uniforms will be dry cleaned with original dry cleaning receipt
attached. ABU issued, all items have to be turned in. ABUs will be washed and ironed.
Failure to return all items will result in a school obligation.
Items to be turned in:
Blue Uniform: Cover, tie/tie tab, belt/buckle, 2 blue shirts, 2 blue pants, lightweight jacket, service coat, and all rank insignia.
Items to be turned in for ABUs: Cover, 1 pants, 1 coat, and set of ABU boots.
Items not to be turned in for ABU: shirt, socks and Velcro name tape.
Items not to be turned for blue uniform: Ribbons, black shoes, name tag. Also
black alternate shirt will not be turned in.
1605-1700, 2 June, Wednesday, Academic, Drill, Raider, Drone, Stellar/Xplorer
(Rocketry), & Cyber team meetings for team letter awards. Meet in applicable
team rooms.
Morning Flag Detail: Echo
Afternoon Flag Detail: Kilo and India on A-Days & Hotel and Papa on B-Days
Monday 24 May B-DAY
All Flights/Academics
Tuesday 25 May A-DAY
All Flights Alternate Uniform
All Flights Academics
1605-1730 CLC Practice Bring PT clothes & camel pak
Cadre 1800
Wednesday 26 May B-DAY
All Flights Alternate Uniform
All Flights Academics
1605-1730 CLC Drill Practice
1800 Cadre
Thursday 27 May A-DAY
Unit PT Day. Bring PT Clothes, Hygiene Kit and Water Bottle.
1605-1800 Senior Staff Meeting
Friday 28 May B-DAY
Unit PT Day. Bring PT Clothes, Hygiene Kit and Water Bottle
Saturday 29 May
No Unit Events Planned
Sunday 30 May
No Unit Events Planned
Mission Support Squadron Commander
C/Major Sanchez-Vayas Jonathan