Greetings parents,
I hope final exams are going well for everyone’s daughters and sons.
For Seniors and any cadets who are not returning next year, please return uniforms (dry cleaned for jacket and both pants, optional for the two blue shirts but must be cleaned), shoes, belt, cap, tie and lightweight jacket before the end of the school year.
CLC – We are on track for CLC in June. Please remind your cadets to attend the CLC Prep – this week is the final week of after school prep, and also remind them to continue working out at least 3 times per week to be ready for the hot weather and demands of CLC. Fitness is key to staying active throughout the week. I will be soliciting parent emails this week from CLC cadets in order to build the nightly update to parents for each CLC class.
If any questions, please let me or MSgt Powell or MSgt Blake.
Col W
Unit weekly schedule Monday May 22 – Sunday May 28
Reminder to turn in uniforms for any cadets who will NOT return next academic year.
Morning flag detail: Command Staff
Afternoon flag detail: Alpha/Foxtrot
Logistics sweep detail: Command Staff
Recycling detail: Command Staff
Monday May 22 – B Day
Flight academics
Color Guard practice for graduation team 16:10 – 17:00
Tuesday May 23 – A Day
Flight inspection: Alternate uniform
CLC practice 16:10 – 17:30
Wednesday May 24 –B Day
Flight inspections: Alternate uniform
CLC practice 16:10 – 17:30
Thursday May 25 – A Day
PT for Flights, bring uniform, hygiene kit, and water bottle
CLC practice 16:10 – 17:30
Friday May 26 – B Day
PT for Flights, bring uniform, hygiene kit, and water bottle
Saturday May 27
Graduation detail:
Color guard and programs. Showtime 16:00 in Colonel’s room
Sunday May 28
No unit events planned
Monday May 29 – Memorial Day (no school)
Jeff Wilkinson, Colonel, USAF, Ret. SASI SC-20081/AFJROTC Ashley Ridge High School 843-695-4900 Ext. 52195 ARHS JROTC website: SC-20081 Facebook link: SC-20081 Instagram link: arhs_afjrotc