If you have not finished your registration and paperwork, please do so ASAP! Registration payment, physical, and online forms are all available on the Unit Parent Information Webpage.
If you need any article of uniform exchanged or need a uniform article, please put a note in C/Captain Williams’ box, which is located in the back of Major Clark’s room.
9 December, Wednesday is the last day for Toys For Tots Drive. You will receive community service hours for your donations. Service hours vary by size of the toy in ranges of 1, 2, and 3 hours. Place toys in the box located in Major Clark's room. Please include a sticky note with your name and flight securely taped to the toy. More information is on the posters in each classroom.
Air Rifle Applications are in Teams. Be sure to fill it out if you are interested in joining the Air Rifle Team.
Ranking signing for all cadets who have received for 1st Semester.
Due to COVID, Kitty Hawk Concessions are not taking place until further notice.
1630-1700 7 December, Monday. Kitty Hawk Meeting, Virtual. All Veterans & Inductees are to attend the meeting.
12 December Saturday Team Pictures. See SC-20081 Information Center for team times to report.
No uniform this week due to student pictures.
Bring PT Clothes Monday and Thursday for PT.
Bravo Flight has Flag Detail this week.
Monday 7 December A-DAY Cardinal (A-K)
Unit PT Day. Bring PT Clothes, Hygiene Kit and Water Bottle
1700-1800 Academic Team Practice, Virtual.
1700-1730 Kitty Hawk Virtual Meeting w/ Inductees
1800-2000 Booster Club Meeting
1615-1800 D&C Practice
Tuesday 8 December B-DAY Cardinal (A-K)
All Flights Academics
School Picture Day
1615-1800 D&C Practice
1615-1730 Raiders Practice
1645-1800 Cyber Team Practice
Wednesday 9 December A-DAY Gold (L-Z)
All Flights Academics
School Picture Day
1615-1800 D&C Practice
1615-1730 Raiders Practice
1645-1800 StellarXplorer Practice
Thursday 10 December B-DAY Gold (L-Z)
Unit PT Day. Bring PT Clothes, Hygiene Kit and Water Bottle
1615-1800 D&C Practice
1615-1730 Raiders Practice
Friday 11 December A-DAY 0930-1145 E Learning
1300-1500 D&C Practice
Saturday 12 December
Team Pictures. See Team SC-20081 Information Center for times for each team to report.
1000-1200 D&C Practice
Sunday 13 December
0830-1500 Stellar Xplorer VII Competition Qualification Round 2, Virtual
0800-1500 Cyber Team VII Competition Round 2, Virtual
One of the teams listed above will compete on Saturday after team pictures. TBD
Mission Support Squadron Commander
C/Captain Sanchez-Vayas Jonathan