Good evening parents and guardians,
Again, thank you to you all for your support throughout the year – your support helped our cadets shine for the Headquarters Air Force Unit Inspection. Our rating earns our cadets the Distinguished Unit with Merit award, which will be presented at our annual Pass-In-Review on Thursday, 2 May.
Congratulations to our Color Guard from Drill Team for being by name requested to present the colors as ARHS hosted the district PTSA meeting on Wednesday. Also, congrats to our Air Rifle team and Cyber team for closing out their seasons with the marksmanship meet at Timberland and the Palmetto Cyber Defense Competition at Trident Technical College.
CLC: Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, 7 May where we will have an information meeting for parents, to answer questions about CLC – ALSO, we will have a notary available at no charge to assist with the CLC Citadel Medical form, which requires a notary.
CLC: Cadets received their registration forms last Thursday – these forms must be turned in by May 10th. Additionally, if anyone is having challenges with the cost of CLC, please let me know – we want all cadets who want to go and who qualify to be able to go to CLC and we should be able to assist. Let me know.
Participating CLC cadets need to attend two before/after school fitness workouts, in addition to their in-flight fitness training during school and the Tuesday drill training in order to meet the minimum fitness and drill proficiency requirements for CLC. Absences need to be coordinated with Cadets Esver or Maldonado.
Unit Weekly Schedule Monday April 15th – Sunday April 21st
Reminder to Turn in Registration Papers, physicals, and Fees
Morning Flag Detail: Hotel
Afternoon Flag Detail: Alpha/Foxtrot
Logistics Sweep Detail: Delta (Make Sure to Sign in on Sign-in Sheet)
Monday April 15th – A day
Flight Academics
CLC Practice 16:10 – 17-30 PT
See MSgt Powell for CIA Trip Paperwork
Tuesday April 16th – B Day
Early Bird Workouts 08:15 – 09:00
Uniform for B-Day only Flights: Alternate
Drill Practice 16:10 – 17:30
CLC Practice 16:10 – 17-30 PT
Cyber Team Final Meeting – 16:10 – 17:30
See MSgt Powell for CIA Trip Paperwork
Wednesday April 17th – A Day
Uniform for Block and A-Day flights: Alternate
CLC Practice 16:10 – 17-30 Drill
KHHS Meeting 16:10 – 17:00
Thursday April 18th – B Day
Early Bird Workouts 08:15 – 09:00
PT for B-Day only Flights, Bring Uniform, Hygiene Kits, and Water Bottles.
CLC Practice 16:10 – 17-30
Air Rifle Party 16:10 – 18:00
Friday April 19th – A Day
PT for Block and A-Day Flights, Bring Uniform, Hygiene Kits, and Water Bottles.
Saturday April 20th
Lift Camp Noon at Berkeley County Airport
Sunday April 21st
No Unit Events Planned