Happy St Patrick’s day to everyone,
I’d like to highlight our 40+ cadets and three parents who came out to James Island County Park on Saturday to join Wando AFJROTC, Lucy Beckham CGJROTC, and our host-James Island AFJROTC to memorialize the American and Filipino forces who endured the 65 mile Bataan Death march April 9 through 17, 1942. Our cadets joined together with local units and JROTC cadets nationwide to accomplish this 14 mile walk. I’m proud of our cadets for their grit and initiative.
Also, We’d like to thank cadet parent US Navy Commander Infante for hosting our 1st and 2d year cadets with a tour of the Naval Consolidated Brig this past Thursday. The tour was outstanding and very positive, emphasizing themes of service values, character, responsibility, and opportunities for redemption. Commander Infante’s staff went above and beyond, providing our unit with a new unit sign for our entryway and a memorial plaque for Cadet Jarvis-Mixer to be placed in our unit. (see attached pictures).
Housekeeping note: We, the instructors, strive to provide accurate start and end time predictions, plus calls prior to arrival from trips to confirm end times to help parents not have to wait unnecessarily for their students to be picked up. 99% of the time, parents are terrific picking up cadets after events (Thank you!). However, we have had an uptick of delayed pickups (30, 45, 60 mins and more). We understand that problems arise and can be unpredictable.
THE ASK: Please try to pick up your cadet within 15 mins of the pick-up time AND If you know you are going to be late, please let us know or ask your son/daughter to share your expected arrival time with their AFJROTC instructor. We too have commitments outside of AFJROTC where people are counting on us – regular unplanned delays of 30 or more minutes are problematic for us.
Thank you for your support to our program for your sons and daughters. We hope you all have an enjoyable spring break.
Unit Weekly Schedule Monday March 18th – Sunday March 24th
Morning Flag Detail: Command Staff
Afternoon Flag Detail: Alpha/Foxtrot
Logistics Sweep Detail: Command Staff
Monday March 18th – A Day
Early Bird Workouts 0815 – 0900
Flight academics
Air Rifle Practice 16:10 – 18:00
Cyber Team Practice 16:10 – 17:30
CLC Practice 16:10 – 17-30
Tuesday March 19th – B Day
Early Bird Workouts 0815 - 0900
Uniform inspection for B-Day only Flights: ABUs /OCBs
Drill Practice 16:10 – 17:30
CLC Practice 16:10 – 17-30
Wednesday March 20th – A Day
Early Bird Workouts 0815 - 0900
Uniform inspection for block & A-Day flights: ABUs /OCBs
CLC Practice 16:10 – 17-30
Thursday March 21st – B Day
PT for B-Day only Flights, Bring Uniform, Hygiene Kits, and Water Bottles
Air Rifle Practice 16:10 – 18:00
Academics Team Meeting 16:10 – 17:00
Friday March 22nd – A Day
PT for Block & A-Day Flights, Bring Uniform, Hygiene Kits, and Water Bottles
End of 3rd Quarter
Saturday March 23rd
No Unit Events Planned
Sunday March 24th
No Unit Events Planned
March 25th – 29th SPRING BREAK
(no school)