If you have not finished your registration and paperwork, please do so ASAP! Registration payment, physical, and online forms are all available on the Unit Webpage: ARHS-AFJROTC.com/parent-information.
Toys For Tots Drive has begun. You will receive community service hours for your donations. Service hours vary by size of the toy in ranges of 1, 2, and 3 hours. Place toys in the box located in Major Clark's room. Please include a sticky note with your name and flight securely taped to the toy. Toy Drive will end December 9th. More information is on the posters in each classroom.
12th December Team Pictures: All teams will be report to Mini-Gym in applicable uniform. Times will be announced.
Wando Warrior Meet Saturday December 5th. Zoom meeting at 0800 for all teams for Air Rifle, Cyber, & Academic Teams. Teams will have to use a non-DD2 computer for the Zoom call.
All Cadets will wear the Service Dress Uniform this week. If you do not have all articles of the Blues Uniform and are unable to wear the complete uniform, substitute it with the Alternate Uniform.
Bring PT Clothes Tuesday and Wednesday for PT. Cadets will change out after uniform inspection for PT and will change back into their uniforms after PT.
Monday 30 November A-DAY Cardinal (A-K)
All Flights Service Dress/ Alternate Uniform
All Fights Academic
1605-1730 Air Rifle Practice
1700-1800 Academic Team Practice, Virtual
1730-2100 Kitty Hawk Concessions
Tuesday 1 December B-DAY Gold (L-Z)
All Flights Service Dress/ Alternate Uniform
Unit PT Day. Bring PT Clothes, Hygiene Kit and Water Bottle
1630-1745 D&C Practice
1630-1700 Team Leadership Meeting, Virtual
Wednesday 2 December A-DAY Cardinal (A-K)
All Flights Service Dress/ Alternate Uniform
Unit PT Day. Bring PT Clothes, Hygiene Kit and Water Bottle
1630-1745 D&C Practice
1645-1730 Cyber Team Practice, Virtual
Thursday 3 December B-DAY Gold (L-Z)
All Flights Service Dress/ Alternate Uniform
All Flights Academics
Tango Flight, PT
1605-1730 Air Rifle Practice
1630-1745 D&C Practice
Friday 4 December B-DAY
0930-1145 E Learning
1730-2100 Kitty Hawk Concessions
Saturday 5 December
0800 Wando Warrior Meet (Virtual Academic & Cyber Patriot)
Air Rifle Orion System at ARHS Mini-Gym
Sunday 6 December
No Unit Events Planned